Build A Bridge Mac Swift Library To Unity

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Access classes and other declarations from your Objective-C code in Swift.

PowerPhotos works with the built-in Photos app on your Mac, providing an array of tools to help you get your photo collection in order. Create and manage multiple libraries Instead of being limited to putting all your photos in a single library, PowerPhotos can work with multiple Photos libraries, giving you many more options for how to. Mar 18, 2020  Here's how to open one of the multiple photo libraries that you might have on your Mac or on a connected external drive: Press and hold the Option key as you open the Photos app. Select the library that you want to open, then click Choose Library. Photos uses this library until you open a different one using the same steps. It helps you to create and manage multiple libraries, copy photos between libraries, find duplicates, and—most important for this topic—merge libraries. Because PowerPhotos is working entirely on your Mac’s drive, it’s fast and it doesn’t require huge amounts of extra disk space. Jan 02, 2020  Merge the libraries in iCloud by uploading them to the same iCloud Photo Library: Merging in iCloud is the only way to preserve the master-version pairs, so you can revert edited photos to the original versions. Your albums and folders will migrate, keywords, titles, and other metadata. 1) Launch Photos while holding down the option key. 2) The Choose Library dialog box will appear. 3) In the Photos app, select Preferences from the Photos menu. 4) Select the General tab. 5) The main library needs to be the System Photo Library. 6) Select the iCloud tab. 7) Place a checkmark. Merge photo libraries mac mojave.


You can use Objective-C and Swift files together in a single project, no matter which language the project used originally. This makes creating mixed-language app and framework targets as straightforward as creating an app or framework target written in a single language.

The process for using your Objective-C declarations from your Swift code within mixed-language targets differs slightly depending on whether you’re writing an app or a framework. Both processes are described below.

Integration of Unity build into an iOS(Swift) project. Two-way messaging example between Unity and iOS. Using jiulongw's instructions. Demo Instructions. Open the Unity project and build the iOS platform. We won't be using the generated project directly so you can save the iOS build into a temporary folder. Ics mediaは株式会社icsが運営するオウンドメディアです。icsはインタラクションデザイン専門のプロダクション。最先端のwebテクノロジーを駆使し、オンスクリーンメディアの表現分野で活動しています。. Write your framework you can use Swift 'macros' to detect platforms; There is a flag in Xcode to allow app extension API only, if you are embedding your framework inside an application extension it should be enabled! Congratulations, now you have your brand new Swift framework made in the traditional way. Let's continue with a neat trick. May 11, 2017  Unity C# Xcode Objective-C Bridge. A 'simple' step-by-step tutorial on how to make a bridge between Unity's C# and Xcode's Objective-C. Unity Scene set up. First set up a new scene in Unity and add a plane with a simple sphere above it. So we can interact with it later. Make sure the purple Sphere has a RigidBody and Use Gravity. In Build Settings, in Swift Compiler - Code Generation, make sure the Objective-C Bridging Header build setting has a path to the bridging header file. The path should be relative to your project, similar to the way your Info.plist path is specified in Build Settings. Yeah, you can use libraries like expo-three, expo-pixi, expo-processing, and expo-phaser. Expo has a GL library called EXGL which has native C bindings to OpenGL-ES 2/3.0. This allows you to write games the same way you would in a browser.

Import Code Within an App Target

To import a set of Objective-C files into Swift code within the same app target, you rely on an Objective-C bridging header file to expose those files to Swift. Xcode offers to create this header when you add a Swift file to an existing Objective-C app, or an Objective-C file to an existing Swift app.

If you accept, Xcode creates the bridging header file along with the file you were creating, and names it by using your product module name followed by '-Bridging-Header.h'. Alternatively, you can create a bridging header yourself by choosing File > New > File > [operating system] > Source > Header File.

Edit the bridging header to expose your Objective-C code to your Swift code:

  1. In your Objective-C bridging header, import every Objective-C header you want to expose to Swift.

  2. In Build Settings, in Swift Compiler - Code Generation, make sure the Objective-C Bridging Header build setting has a path to the bridging header file. The path should be relative to your project, similar to the way your Info.plist path is specified in Build Settings. In most cases, you won't need to modify this setting.

Any public Objective-C headers listed in the bridging header are visible to Swift. The Objective-C declarations are automatically available from any Swift file within that target, with no import statements. Use classes and other declarations from your custom Objective-C code with the same Swift syntax you use for system classes.

Import Code Within a Framework Target

To use the Objective-C declarations in files in the same framework target as your Swift code, you’ll need to import those files into the Objective-C umbrella header—the master header for your framework. Import your Objective-C files by configuring the umbrella header:

  1. Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for the framework target is set to Yes.

  2. In the umbrella header, import every Objective-C header you want to expose to Swift.

Swift sees every header you expose publicly in your umbrella header. The contents of the Objective-C files in that framework are automatically available from any Swift file within that framework target, with no import statements. Use classes and other declarations from your Objective-C code with the same Swift syntax you use for system classes.

See Also

Importing Swift into Objective-C

Access Swift types and declarations from within your Objective-C codebase.

A 'simple' step-by-step tutorial on how to make a bridge between Unity's C# and Xcode's Objective-C. Either way.

Unity Scene set up

  • First set up a new scene in Unity and add a plane with a simple sphere above it. So we can interact with it later.
  • Make sure the purple Sphere has a RigidBody and Use Gravity is enabled.

💡 You can add some materials to it, so it stands out. And maybe move the Sphere a bit up (on the y-axis).

If you run the scene the purple sphere would drop on the white plane.

Unity GUI

Next up we're going to add a GUI button to send information to Objective-c

  • Add a UI -> Button
  • It should be aligned to the left-bottom
  • Rename the button's text to your liking.

Unity Script

  • Next stop, create a new C# Script, name it BehaviourScript or anything to your liking

Open the script and use this code:

Code blocks explained:

Used for external communication.

This creates a reference to the c function calledFromUnity(), which will be implemented in your Xcode project later on.

Would listen for a click event on the button. When a click occurs the c-function calledFromUnity() will be called and invoked in (Obj-)C.

This would make the ball bounce. Bounce(string) will be called from Obj-c / Xcode.

Now go back into Unity and add the BehaviourScript to your plane and connect Button and GameObject.

At this stage you would have a button which would do nothing (yet) and have a function which isn't called (yet).

iOS Plugin

  • Create a new folder called Plugin in your project
  • Create a new folder called iOS in Plugin
  • Create a new file called in that iOS folder

⚠️ It's important to add these files to this specific folder. Adding them from Xcode would overwrite the once you (re)build the Unity project. should contain the following code:

This is where the calledFromUnity() function we declared earlier would return. We make the default NSNotificationCenter post a notification with the name 'UnityNotification', this way we can intercept it in our own UIViewController later on.

💡 There are a few options regarding dispatching methods from C to Objective-C's main view, but for now we'll stick to this.

Build the project

  • Open Build Settings: File -> Build Settings or press ⇧⌘B.
  • Use the following settings:
  • Press Build
  • Wait ..
  • After a while your Xcode project should be created
  • Open Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj

A UIViewController on top of Unity

  • Create a new Objective-C class in the Classes folder name AppController.
Build a bridge mac swift library to unity download

💡 Make sure you have a .mm extension for the implementation file and it's linked to the Unity-iPhone target.

  • Make sure AppController extends UnityAppController

The two files will look like this: Show python library machine.

Lets have a look at each code blocks:

A btn is declared so we can use it among the whole class instance.

Since AppController extends UnityAppController and startUnity: is called when the Unity view is loaded, this method will be invoked once the Unity controller is started.

Listen for the 'UnityNotification' notification to be fired and call the notificationFired: method.notificationFired: will change the title of the button and after 1 second set it back to the original one.

This would create a new UIViewController and places the original unity viewcontroller in it. This way we can add our own UI on top of Unity.

Creates the actual button and places it on the newly created UIViewController

Build A Bridge Mac Swift Library To Unity Lyrics

The button tap will invoke tapButton: and will fire UnitySendMessage with 3 parameters:

  • 'Plane': The name of the GameObject in Unity
  • 'Bounce': The name of the function in the BehaviourScript.cs Unity C# Script.
  • 'Up': The parameter to be used in the Bounce(string) function. (For now this hasn't any effect, you can place any string in it)

Build A Bridge Mac Swift Library To Unity Free

  • Open (also in the Classes folder) and change this line:

Build A Bridge Mac Swift Library To Unity Online


This way it will load the AppController class instead of the UnityAppController class.
